Saturday, May 23, 2009

i always thought Danzig shoulda been a singer songwriter

David Pajo has unleashed on the world an EP called Scream With Me of acoustic reworkings of a number of Misfits classics. here's a youtube video of "where eagles dare".

this release is so fucking obvious that i can't believe someone is just now doing it.

the full tracklist:
1 Angelfuck
2 Hybrid Moments
3 Where Eagles Dare
4 Bullet
5 Teenagers From Mars
6 Devil’s Whorehouse
7 I Turned Into A Martian
8 Horror Business
9 Attitude

thanks to DJ for dropping this knowledge on me.

if you go to Pajo's myspace page you can listen to his version of "Angelfuck" which sounds like something you might be able to put on a mix cd for your girlfriend if she didn't, ya know, pay attention to the lyrics.

Raymond Pettibon Art Day

Raymond Pettibon was the dude who did all the Black Flag album covers/flyers and he also made my favorite LP cover of all time for Sonic Youth's GOO. here's some of my favorite of his works.

Friday, May 22, 2009

cool new band: Surf City

Surf City's self titled debut EP came out back in November of 08...but i didn't actually hear it until this week. (thanks to my brother for turning me on to this). it's just a solid indie pop record full of catchy hooks and plenty of memorable choruses. they are from New Zealand, so it should be no surprise that their sound recalls The Tall Dwarfs and The Clean as well as the Jesus and Mary Chain (whom they take their name from the song "Kill Surf City"...with a little Pavement thrown in for good measure. they wouldn't sound at all out of place on a mixtape in between a Pastels and Shop Assistants track either. the whole 80s/early 90s indie revival is a welcome thing for someone who is a sucker for a good pop song.

a link to their myspace page.

gimme some pop

Eddie & The Hotrods' "Do Anything You Wanna Do"...a true power pop classic.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Album You Should Own: something by Hawkind

this is one of those rare instances where i don't have a MUST HAVE album to recommend and instead am just suggesting you get SOMETHING by the world's greatest Spacerockers of all time, Hawkwind. currently i am listening to Doremi Fasol Latido. it was Hawkwind's 3rd album (i think...they have so many fucking albums it's impossible to keep up) but most importantly it was the first to feature future Motorhead leadman Lemmy as a member of the Hawkwind posse. Doremi Fasol Latido is their heaviest album at this point (things got a little heavier a bit later) with lots of drone rock and space sound fx. the opener "Brainstorm" is a 11 minute space rock freak out that makes you wanna drop acid and stare at a black light poster for several hours...and the rest of the album sorta takes that and runs with it. you can hear the influence on Spacemen 3 all over this album. sadly their isn't really a single Hawkwind album you can call essential...they are one of those rare bands that i think you are just better off downloading your own "BEST OF" mix because most of their best songs were singles that weren't on records. trying to find a good comp is difficult because there are so many of them. Rhino needs to just release an awesome Hawkwind box set and call it Space Rock and be done with it.

the closest thing to an ESSENTIAL release by Hawkwind is actually their live album Space Ritual. it features songs off their first 3 (or 4) records with their strongest lineup as a band.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Danzig Loves The Ladies

Hybrid Moments

If youre gonna scream, scream with me
Moments like this never last
When do creatures rape your face
opened up the door

Ooh baby when you cry
Your face is momentary
You hide your looks behind these scars

In hybrid moments
Give me a moment

Give me a moment
Give me a moment

Ooh baby when you cry
Your face is momentary
You hide your looks behind these scars

In hybrid moments
In hybrid moments

In hybrid moments
In hybrid moments

Give me a moment
Give me a moment

time traveling Friday night to a time when hardcore did not suck

Saw a band friday night @ the caledonia that made me feel like I was stuck in a jj abrams project as I became convinced that i'd time traveled back into the year 1997 when the word emo didn't mean hotpink and jetblack hair and the stupidest music you'd ever heard. No this band was authentic late 90s style screamo...heavy on the noise, super technical basslines, a guitar player with all the right discordant guitar lines, and a tiny girl who screamed better than I ever could as their frontman. This was pre-metabolized suckfest hardcore...this was some straight up Unbroken, Inkwell type shit that you'd have seen at Under The Couch opening for The Locust the 1st time they came through Atlanta...before the bug costumes and the scenester backlash. anyways, the band i saw are called Nationale and they re an Athens band as far as I could tell...which when I think about it is all the odder because nobody in Athens ever gave a shit about Screamo bands and for a truly great one to exist a decade after the fact makes me wonder where the hell these kids came from. Whatever the case I really enjoyed their set, even if it's the kind of music I don't like anymore and would never bother listening to at home, but sometimes on a random friday night in the summer its kinda awesome to travel back to a time when I wasn't so old and everything I listened to was a fuckload louder and angrier.

here's the link to their myspace page if you're feeling nostalgic for bands like Unbroken, Swing Kids, Orchid, The Red Scare, pg. 99, etc...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

i'm feeling Slayerish today

after last night's LOST i decided to get all Biblical with some Slayer.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

album you should own: Sleep's "Holy Mountain"

the stoner metalist band of all time, and my favorite album by them. you can just smell the weed and hear the Sabbath love on every song. and it's named after the trippiest movie ever.

and for a bonus the song "sonic titan", off Dopesmoker is fucking awesome.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Hey Athens 2Night @ THE GO BAR (ya know, the place where all the old townie coke heads hangout) my friend Kenniebloggins is hosting a dance contest called DANCE Mutha-fucka Dance!!! Bring your music, your crew, your best costumes and see if you can beat the competition. Sign up early, bring a cdr of your song or let the DJs choose the track and compete for the title of Best Dancer/ Dance Crew in the Classic City. The crowd will decide the victor and the winner takes all in this You Got Served Meets Stomp the Yard Meets Step Up 2 The Streets Meets Flashdance Meets Sasha Grey's Anatomy competition of Souls and Willpower. This one should be awesome.

i am totally gonna serve someone's ass tonight.

...and I'll get to fuck Brooke Shields

Fang performing their snotty punk rock classic "the money will roll right in" a song that Mudhoney does a great version of, as well as Nirvana. Just listening to this makes me wish I was a 15 year old skate punk.

and Nirvana covering it too

Thursday, May 7, 2009

just listening to this album makes me feel high

one of the greatest stoner metal albums of all time is without a doubt 1992's Blues For The Red Sun by the band Kyuss. they are from the Sabbath school of slow and heavy sludge. i saw them twice when i was in high school opening for Dinosaur Jr and White Zombie. they got sorta lumped into the grunge category by a few lazy music journalist, but when you listen to this album they are a metal band all the way. the opener "Thumb" is my personal favorite track and the single "Green Machine" got some minor play on Headbanger's Ball and 120 Minutes. after the band broke up former members founded 2 of the most successful stoner rock bands of all time in Fu Manchu and Queens Of the Stone Age (a band i used to love who gets shittier and shittier with each album).

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

album you should own: Captain Beyond

formed by former members of Deep Purple and Iron Butterfly, Captain Beyond were an early 70s prog/proto metal/space rock band not unlike Hawkwind that released 2 albums before breaking up. their self titled debut is by far their hardest/spaciest/and most awesome. i highly recommend.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Glenn Danzig Loves The Ladies

for Metal May we turn to the king of romance Glenn Danzig to instruct us in the ways of wooing the ladies.

Attitude, you got some fucking attitude
I cant believe what you said to me
You got some attitude

Inside your feeble brain theres probably a whore
If you dont shut your mouth youre gonna feel the floor

Attitude, the one you got, oh baby
Attitude, the one you got, oh baby
Attitude, attitude

Inside your feeble brain theres probably a whore
If you dont shut your mouth youre gonna feel the floor

Attitude, you got some fucking attitude
(attitude) I cant believe what you said to me
You got some attitude

Attitude, you got some fucking attitude
(attitude) I cant believe what you said to me
You got some attitude

what, not romantic enough for you? well then i'll drop this pantie peeler on your ass.

seriously, if i ever get married i want my bride to walk down the isle to "Sistinas". nothing would make me happier.


it's May 1st 2009, which kicks off METAL MAY here @ Ghetto Blasters & Switch Blades. and what better song to kick if off than Iron Maiden's classic "Run To The Hills"