Via The Facebook...
Think of 20 albums that had such a profound effect on you they changed your life or the way you looked at it. They sucked you in and took you over for days, weeks, months, years. These are the albums that you can use to identify time, places, people, emotions. These are the albums that no matter what they were thought of musically shaped your world. When you finish, tag 20 others, including me. Make sure you copy and paste this part so they know the drill. Get the idea now? Good. Tag, you're it!
1. Nirvana- Nevermind (i don't even need to explain this. if you are around the same age as me and were a teenager when this came out you know what it meant. but even more importantly than this actual record was all the cool bands that i discovered in the wake of listening to Nirvana and buying everything that Kurt Cobain name dropped in interviews) also this album directly changed the way i looked as i went from short haired baseball player to long haired grunge poseur which in turned helped me get laid in highschool.
2. Michael Jackson-Thriller (this album was my childhood. i used to dance around my room and act out the videos all the time when i was alone pretending to be Michael. i wore Pennyloafers almost everyday in 1st grade. i was Micheal Jackson as the Werewolf from teh Thriller video 2 years in a row. i fucking LOVED Michael Jackson.)
3. Guns N Roses- Appetitie For Destruction (a friend dubbed me a copy in 5th grade. the 1st album i ever owned that made me feel cool for listening to it. also the album that made me ask my parents for a guitar...that i never bothered to learn how to play)
4. NWA- Straight Outta Compton (i stole a copy from Camelot music in the Mall the summer after 6th grade. i hid it in a shoebox in my room inside a Bon Jovi tapecase so my mom wouldn't find it. the first thing i ever owned that felt like i was doing something bad for listening to it. still my favorite rap record of all time)
5. Sonic Youth- Dirty (after Nirvana, Sonic Youth were my favorite band ever and Dirty was my introduction)
6. The Clash- The Story Of The Clash (in 10th grade i started going back and learning about all the punk bands of the 70s. this double disc Greatest Hits cds was my favorite CD ever at the time.)
7. Fugazi- Repater (got me into hardcore and underground music, the first band i ever liked that not every kid at my highschool listened to)
8. Black Flag- First Four Years (still my favorite punk record ever made)
9. Beastie Boys- Check Your Head (this album is the 90s)
10. The Jesus and Mary Chain-Honey's Dead (i discovered them in 10th grade and this is just one of those records to defines highschool and the 90s for me)
11. Gang Of Four- Entertainment!
12. The Replacements- Let It Be
13. Belle & Sebastian- If You're Feeling Sinister
14. Jawbreaker- 24 hour revenge therapy
15. Nation Of Ulysses- Plays Pretty for Baby
16. Radiohead- OK Computer
17. Elliott Smith- Either/Or
18. The Smiths- Hatful of Hallow
19. Refused- The Shape Of Punk To Come (came out in 1998 and saved my love of punk rock. also reignited my desire to be in a band)
20. The Agenda- Start The Panic (hey, i made this record and this is the reason i've seen the entire US and went to the UK which was my first time out of the country. so yeah, this changed my life for sure.)
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