Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Everybody Needs A Little Alex Chilton
Alex Chilton's 1st solo album might be my favorite of all his records...Big Star and Box Tops included. i remember first reading about this album in highschool or maybe freshman year of college (97 or 98) in a review on where they basically said it was the worst album of all time.
at that point in my life my exposure to Chilton had been The Replacements' name check and Big Star's records and "The Letter" by the Box Tops, but i couldn't imagine how someone who was involved in music that awesome could have made the WORST ALBUM OF ALL TIME. it took me years to track down a copy on CD (oh those days before you could just download shit). and when i finally heard it i was blown the fuck away. i mean you've got one of the great American pop rock songwriters of all time who wrote probably the most beautiful ballad this side of "Pale Blue Eyes" with "Thirteen" making a sloppy art-damaged wreck-of-a-fuck-you-pop-record (my personal favorite kind) but still with some of the most amazing gems of his career included (My Rival, Hey! Little Child, Alligator Man) that it was impossible not to love. plus that Boogie Shoes cover rules.
if you don't own it then you need to fix your life.
Right on! I have no idea why this album was so panned...